How can we transfer basic maintenance knowledge effectively to the next generation?

Stories of PM, A Comprehensive Primer of Preventive Maintenance

IBSN: 979-8496071154


PM (Preventive Maintenance) is the primary way to ensure the reliability of machines, buildings, or other physical assets. Even the most rigorous reliability techniques such as RCM and PMO, in the end, rely on effective PM.

In a series of interesting anecdotes, Stories of PM tells the PM person the why, what, when, where, and even sometimes how to PM effectively. The stories are fun to read and contain descriptive color drawings. Stories of PM tells the whole story of PM including the history and a couple of fun stories. Included are about a dozen best practices disguised as the rantings of a bug.

Stories of PM is the third book in the series Elements of Great Maintenance Management, which was designed to educate practitioners in the basics of some, often complex, but vital maintenance ideas.

Stories of PM

