In Webster\'s New World College Dictionary delegation is defined “to entrust (authority, power) to a person acting as one’s agent or representative.\" The first ground rule of delegation is to entrust both the authority (power) and the responsibility. The supervisor\'s job is to work through other people. One of the most difficult transitions is from worker (being paid for how well you work) to supervisor (being paid for how well you work through others). One of your main jobs is the development of the people that work for you. Delegation will help develop talent within your work group. The effect of some responsibility on people is amazing.
Steps: 1. Do your fact finding
2. Be specific, tell people exactly what their behavior was that made you angry.
3. Tell them how that behavior made you feel.
4. Allow a pause, make sure the person understands that their behavior was the
Issue, not them as a person.
5. Do it now.
Three thoughts on The One Minute Manager
1. Beware: Do you believe that you have to be great at it for it to work? The fact is that it will
work if you use it. You will improve over time.
2. It will increase productivity. The better your people look the better you look.
3. Good productivity is a journey not a destination.