Our continuing course for building supervisory, management and team skills reviews the topics offered in our 2- OR 3-day Basic Course and builds further by introducing many new productivity techniques and additional managerial and leadership skills for success.
Learn how successful supervisors motivate maintenance workers in organizations throughout the world. Improve time management by learning how to do two things at once! Understand how to use Root Cause Analysis to eliminate the source of repeated problems. Use advanced time management techniques to set priorities, discipline yourself, and make use of 20 great time saving tricks. Evaluate and improve your face-to-face communication skills. Implement a Lean Maintenance program to reduce waste and make your company more competitive in the marketplace. Improve the efficiency and delivery of maintenance service to your own users.
This course builds on the material in MSMS I Management Skills for Maintenance Supervisors, Team Leaders and Managers (either 2 or 3 day), covering all the topics offered in our 2-day Part II Course but in greater detail, adding more case studies and discussion of participants' experience.
These carefully chosen topics will increase the effectiveness of your managers and supervisors:
Program includes a 100+ page spiral-bound workbook to help each attendee take notes and develop their own action plan for moving forward.
Productivity improvement through Supervisor Time Management (STM): Building on the time-management concepts from the prior course, we build specific projects to help the participants manage their time, one of the scarcest resources around. We emphasize implementing the daily habits of highly successful supervisors plus other techniques for personal planning and improved productivity of managers and leaders.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA): One of most efficient methods for determining what went wrong in the event of an unexpected breakdown. Introduction of general principals, the five "whys," and discussion of real-life examples. Participants are introduced to the techniques and tips for implementation.
Teaching and coaching: Teaching and coaching. Issue: how to run a 21st century organization with 20th century skills, worksheets, checklists, techniques, suppliers. How to get the most from people through training. Measuring the effectiveness of training efforts.
Workshop in teaching and coaching: Students use worksheets and checklists to design an actual skills training exercise. Students can use the materials they prepare in this exercise when they return to their own workplace
Current ideas on employee motivation: Covers the latest ideas on motivation, introducing strategies of success¬ful motivation techniques compiled from actual maintenance crews. Answers the important question, how can a maintenance supervisor motivate the workgroup?
Introduction to RCM: a quick overview of RCM (Reliability-Centered Maintenance) processes, ideas and outcomes. Discussion of the procedures, benefits and tips for successful implementation.
Quality is essential to any maintenance function. Apply the principles of statistical sampling for quality improvements to maintenance departments which may not have the support of the rest of the organization. Introduces Deming's guide to quality. Seven deadly diseases that interfere with high-quality provision of services and how to avoid or unroot them inside your organization.
Workshop in communications: How good are you as a communicator? Improve your ability to get your point across and be understood by maintenance workers. Improve your ability to get your point across. Make sure you can be understood by maintenance workers. Exercise in improving your communica¬tion skills.
Managing Shutdowns: a short introduction to the skills necessary to manage shutdowns with an emphasis on supervision.
Lean Maintenance is one of the hottest concepts among world-class organizations today. In a world of tight budgets and scarce resources, how do you cut unnecessary procedures and resource waste while delivering the same (OR HIGHER!) level of quality to your user groups? Includes discussion on getting your employees involved in reducing waste and an exercise in how to develop, write-up, execute and report on Lean projects and improvements.
Putting all the information together: Participants put all the information together and develop an action plan for suc¬cess. They will leave the workshop with resources to continue adding value to their organization and improving their Maintenance I.Q. through selected readings and resources.
Thank you so much for the wonderful session in KL last week. The discussions and interactions we have had are truly fulfilling and inspiring.
Ang Kok Yong, Shell Chemicals Singapore (Pte) Ltd
Innovative ideas, good examples.
D. Morrison, Seagate Technology
Outstanding! Very easy to understand. Gets the point across nicely.
R. Scott, SCM Chemicals
Wish I had this 10 years ago when I first became a supervisor.
J. Hart, Dir of Prop Ops, Hilton Hotels