Why is the planning essential for smooth operations?
What are the advantages of planning for?
How to Sell Planning & Scheduling to your management and operations?
Specifically where does the ROI (Return on Investment) come from?
Where does Planning fit Into Good Maintenance Practices?
Understanding the Nature of Maintenance Activities.
Work order systems
Auditing work orders and
Training in completing work order preparation.
Short discussion of the work flow with a job control function.
Complete description of the planner's job.
What are the conditions necessary for effective maintenance planning? This section includes a
discussion of the institutional systems necessary for successful planning and scheduling. Specific
areas include storerooms, PM programs, planner Libraries, supervision and high level sign-off.
How to plan maintenance work
What are the steps in effective planning?
The complete planning process.
Estimating, Crew Size & Manpower Requirements.
What are the contents of a complete planned job package?
Plan a job exercise
Complete Planning questionnaire so that participants can evaluate their own current planning operation
against competent and world class organizations.
Evaluate the gap between what is going on and what would serve the long term interests of the organization.
Day 2 Course Agenda
Calculating available hours from maintenance workers. Includes work sheets and an exercise.
How and why to prepare the Maintenance Calendar
The coordination meeting between operations and maintenance
Discussions and deliverable from meeting
Agenda example
Job loading until available hours is used up.
Calculating available hours for maintenance workers
Coordination with Operations and Coordination meeting.
Choose jobs based on need and available resources
Create a credible schedule that takes all the constraints into account.
Schedule a shop exercise
How to use CMMS to Aid Planning and Scheduling.
Job execution and feedback with job closeout and follow up
Metrics and Benchmarking Planning and Scheduling
Complete scheduling and coordination questionnaire so that participants can evaluate their own
current planning operation against competent and world class organizations.