This course is designed for maintenance planners and schedulers in intensive maintenance environments including utilities, factories, refineries, smelters, process plants, large facilities, etc. Also welcome are planners or schedulers in training, supervisors, those who have to manage the planning function, material coordinators and maintenance engineers that get involved in creating job plans, and representatives from operations and stores who can add their perspective and input.
Our promise for this program is that your people will become comfortable with the techniques and procedures of effective planning and scheduling. They will be trained to coordinate the maintenance schedule with production control and operations. This results in better job plans and more effective scheduling for a smoother running operation, producing less waste and frustration, with higher levels of quality and reliability. The entire organization will benefit.
Well-planned, properly scheduled and effectively coordinated jobs can be accomplished more efficiently, at lower cost, with fewer disturbances to operations, with higher quality (reducing variability in your process), with greater safety, improved morale, and with increased longevity of equipment.
Effective planning and scheduling also helps increase the professionalism of the maintenance effort. In short, more work is completed more promptly, thereby increasing customer service. It’s simple; you reduce wasted resources and save money.
Planning and scheduling insures that the tradesperson gets the right tools, parts, permits, drawings, Even the best production process will fall apart in the absence of good planning and scheduling of procedures. Well-planned, scheduled and effectively communicated jobs accomplish more work, more efficiently, and with less downtime, all of which translate into higher quality products delivered more reliably and at lower cost. This comprehensive book details the necessary tasks that go into good planning and scheduling, including case studies, flow charts and easy-to-use worksheets. A vital training document for planners; an excellent educational document for management. Purchase here and you can get this book signed by the Author.
Factory maintenance is a speciality even within the maintenance
world. When organizations get rid of a critical mass of skilled master maintenance people.